Who is the PTA – Kerrie


Hi, I am Kerrie – the new treasurer for the PTA.

My twin girls joined Courthill last year and are now in Year 1. I am not going to lie, I didn’t imagine when the girls started school last year that I would become this heavily involved in the PTA. However, they have a very clever tactic of having meetings at the Grasshopper and they soon realised that after my second glass of wine I would practically say yes to anything!! I started with just agreeing to be a casual helper, then became a committee member, and now Treasurer. That being said I have enjoyed every minute. Everyone who participates has the same goal and invested interest; which is making the most of each child’s time at Courthill.

I have been part of some really great events which make such a difference to the school and provide such memorable experiences for the children. I have also enjoyed some of the perks of being part of the PTA. A highlight was witnessing the school’s first post-COVID whole school assembly last year. I can honestly say it was one of the most memorable and touching moments of my life (I do get out, I promise). I have also made some great new friends with the PTA crew.

You don’t need to have any particular skills or even a lot of time (I certainly don’t), but if you can spare an hour here or there and/or fancy a catch-up over coffee or wine to float some ideas you have for the school, or just want to see what we are all about, then please come along to the meetings! We would love to see you!

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